


An appreciation for the crafts of both the instrument builder and boat builder will be embodied in “METAPHORM,” a thirty-foot sea-worthy acoustic instrument which will be constructed in the style of a traditional lute. A wooden lapstrake boat thirty feet in length, will serve as the rounded base, a decking as the soundboard. The rosette, bridge, neck and headstock will be crafted in wood and scaled in proportion with the boat. The craft will be piloted by a captain-cum-musician, as it is being played, floating in the various wave conditions, combining the gentle lapping of the waves against the hull with the resonating strings.

“METAPHORM” will poetically combine visually and conceptually related imagery with reference to music and the environment. Music and water are bound together by their temporal nature; tides, the waves’ repetition and rhythm. Emotions and memories evoked by music and water will generate resonances, drawing the viewer into a period of speculation, an internal labyrinth of their own, involving them in the act of creation.